THE 2022 Eleanor Worthington Prize, ninth year
The Eleanor Worthington Prize on Art and Disability is open to all students at tertiary-level Art and Media Schools in the UK, Ireland and Italy. No entry fee is payable. All Visual Art forms are admitted.
The Prize is run by the Associazione Premio Eleanor Worthington-ODV, a non-profit organisation based in Urbino, Italy, in keeping with its aims and philosophy see here
is “Disability and Transformation for an Inclusive Society”
Entries should be submitted by Sunday 13 November 2022 inclusive.
Entrants should submit their work through a Google Drive folder ("parent folder"), whose name corresponds to their own surname and first name (e.g. ‘Smith Sally’).
A link to this “parent folder” should be emailed to It is essential that the link allows the Prize to access the folder in ‘editor’ mode (i.e. when creating of the link choose the option "anyone on the Internet with the link can edit")
Everything submitted in the ‘parent folder’– images, video, the audio description (see below), and the concept (optional, see below) - should be fully anonymised. Except that if a video is submitted, there should also be a version of it which displays all relevant names (e.g. in the credits)
The ‘parent folder’ should also contain a statement of the entrant’s surname name and first name (in that order), the tertiary Institution which the entrant is enrolled in, the entrant’s year of the course, and the submitted work’s title
Entries by more than one eligible author are admissible, but the value of the prize remains unchanged.
Entering the Prize implies acceptance of the rules.
The winners of the 2021 Prize will be announced at, by Wednesday 30th November, 2022
First, second and third prizes will be awarded. At each level (first, second and third) there is one prize for a student from Italian institutions, and one prize for a student from British or Irish institutions.
For students from British or Irish institutions, the first prize consists in 500 Euros or, if preferred, in one week’s board and lodging in a Hall of Residence of the University of Urbino, Italy, in summer 2023. A contribution will also be made to travel costs. from the UK or Ireland.
The second prize consist of € 300, offered by the Urbino local authority.
The third prizes consist of art books.
The Mark Bailey special prize, equivalent to a first prize, is reserved for students enrolled in an institution in the city of York.
The prize-giving event will take place on Friday 2nd December 2022, the day before the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, at 10:00 a.m. in the Sala Convegni of the Ducal Palace, Urbino, Italy; the event will also be available on line, details to be published on the website.
During the prize giving event all entries will be displayed in digital form. All entries will be displayed in an exhibition in spring 2023 at York St John University (UK), with details to be announced in due course.
All submitted works must have a title. They can also optionally be accompanied by a short statement of their “concept” (max 400 characters, spaces included).
All concepts must be in .doc or .docx format. The statement of the entrant’s details should likewise be in .doc or .docx format
All submitted works must have an audio description, both in English and in Italian, to last no more than 2 minutes, in MP3 format.
All images must be in .jpg (not .pdf) format. They must be high-resolution (min. 300DPI), for the purpose of appearing in the exhibition, where they would most likely be printed as 70x100cm.
Videos and animations must last at most 3 minutes, and must be in MP4 format, with H264 compression.
All video subjects developing the theme are welcome, e.g. fiction, documentary, experimental.
Evaluation of the works will use five criteria:
Relevance to the theme
Communicative effectiveness
Overall impression
Clarity of the audiodescription
The panel of judges is composed of:
Bruno Bartoccini, ANFFAS Fermignano, Urbania, Urbino
Giulio Calegari, Artist, and Palethnologist, Milano
Griselda Goldsbrough, Arts Development Manager for the York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Mariella Roberti, Psyco-pedagogist
Martin Worthington, Trinity College Dublin, Associate Professor
Elena Di Giovanni o Francesca Raffi, Università di Macerata, e ALI Accessibilita’, Lingue, Inclusione snc
The Prize is run in cooperation with the Accademia di Belle Arti, Urbino; Corso di Perfezionamento “Scuola del Libro”, Urbino; Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino; ANFFAS Fermignano, Urbania, Urbino; York St John University;
with the sponsorship of the Urbino local authority, and of the Università degli Studi “Carlo Bo”, Urbino;
and with the support of the York Human Rights City Network, and of various institutions.
Urbino, 10 September 2022